Wednesday, September 28, 2011

There are many hybrid cars around and which hybrid cars has the best MPG (mileage per a gallon)? Nissan Leaf has the highest MPG (City/Hwy:106/92MPG). Toyota Prius has the next best MPG which is (City/Hwy: 51/48).  Both cars are hatchback and it is a smart car.

In fact, Nissan leaf does not even need to use gas. It's conventional gasoline engine replaced with an all electric drivetrain.It runs on battery. Because of these, the car can only driven within a certain range before it uses up the battery power. From reviews online, many people said that this car would be good if you are not planning to drive over 100 mile range.

As for Toyota Prius 2010-2011, it is a gasoline-electric hybrid car. It still used gas but it converts the gasoline to electric. Prius also has a battery in the car. However, the engine is more poweful then Nissan Leaf. It has have 3 different mode (Normal, ECO, and POW mode). This allows the driver to decided how much power he/she wants to use. Based on reviews, some people said that their Prius actually have up to 70 MPG. A friend of mines also own a Toyota Prius and he travels approximately 295 miles back to school has no problem with his car. So I would suggest getting Toyota Prius if I want to save money on gas.

If you aren't planning to save money on gas. You can choose any cars you can afford. But for people who choose these hybrid cars are people who wants to save money. Of course, these cars aren't for speeding and power like corvette. So I guess if you are a person for excitement or for speeding, this car might not be for you.

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If you want to know more specific informations about the Nissan Leaf and Toyota Prius, you can type the cars down here and search more information about it:

1. Wikipedia, Nissan Leaf;
2. Wikipedia; Toyota Prius;
3. Yahoo Auto review, Nissan Leaf;
4. Yahoo Auto review, Toyota Pruis 2011;

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